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1. What is greater than God more evil than the Devil.
     The poor have it, the rich need it and if you eat it, you'll die?
  • Nothing
 2. I am found in the sea and on land but I do not walk or swim, 
     I travel by foot but I am toeless. No matter where I go, I'm never far from home. who am I?  
  • A snail
3. I don't have lungs or a chest but I need air, I am not alive, 
  but I grow, I don't have a mouth and I don't like water. What am I?
  • Fire
4. What occurs twice in a week, once in a year but never in a day?
  • The letter 'E'
5. I'm the son of water but when I return to water. I die. who am I?
  • Ice
6. I fly without wings, I cry without eyes. What am I?
  • Cloud
7.  I am tighter than air but a hundred people can not life me.
     careful ! I am fragile ! 
  • Bubble
8. What do you throw out when you want to use it, but take in when you don't want to use it?
  • An anchor
9. What has a heart but no other organs?
  • A deck of card
10. What is easy to get into, but hard to get out of?
  • Trouble
11. If  You have it, you want to share it. If you share it, You don't have it . What is it? 
  •  Secret
12. Where do fish keep their money?
  • River bank
13. what kind of dog never bites?
  • A hot dog

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