Role of my family in my character development
There is a great hands of my family in my character development.
which is good for me and for my life settlement !
My family always show me right way
which develops my life in every way !
My family taught me about important of good character.
which is needed in every sector;
skill and ability is important in every occupation.
In the same way good character is important to develop our nation !
From childhood my family told me about good things.
which is important for all the human beings!
As we know that Nepal have many sources of water.
In the same way my family want to make me rich in source of good character !
To develop my character my family maintain good environment.
which is important for my future betterment !
My family never told me to harm other !
Because we all are like sister and brother !
My family never taught me negative word
Because good character is like lord !
At last I want to say that my family each and every time make me understand about character.
Because it is one of the most important factor !
Raushan Kushwaha
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