An unsuitable guy in modern world
An unsuitable guy in modern world
Written by :
Bijay prasain
( Based on someone true story)
Who doesn't want a life of happiness ? We will probably agree on the fact everyone anticipate a life where there is fulfillment of luxurious needs along with self satisfaction and a life of earning millions of dollars . Everyone has their own aspiration and passion in their life . We will probably raise a huge question mark on the person who says that they don't have any expectations and
anticipation in their life .Everyone has their own destination to be followed and dreams to be pursued .But as we know, there are tremendous exceptional things in life and there is no any formula
to live a life .Every things doesn't go same with everyone .Some people are compelled to live a life of sacrifices and debacles .
Once upon a time there was one boy who belonged to a well-to-do family and whose name was Anderoson . Since his childhood he didn't get comprehensive attention from his parents which was extremely
imperative in his perspective .He was approximately six years when he was compelled to come in town for the betterment of his study and live in a hostel .He even doesn't remember when he last stayed with his parents permanently . He had got a mobile phone from his parents and always used to except a phone call from his parents but they were really busy in earning money in villages.Sometimes he used to go with hostel warden and used to ask ," What's wrong with my phone ?" Then by smiling the warden used to reply, " There's nothing wrong everything is alright ." Then the boy again used to reply ,"Then why my parents don't phone me ". His parents used to phone him once or twice a month then he used to express all his anxieties , feelings and overwhelmness . Sometimes he used to get troubled by seniors on hostel but used to tolerate it as he could do nothing except tolerating . During summer vacation he used to go home. He had a sister who used to live with his parents. His parents used to love him much and tried to give him attention during his vacation but couldn't. After 3 years his parents made house in town for the betterment of Anderoson and his sister. But his parents didn't live in that house. they were living with their relatives in that house. Anderoson was especially loved by his father and was a star of him.When Anderoson was 12 years old the business of his father was in tremendous loss. so, his father decided to stop his business for couple of month and to give time to his children. Though it was really great loss for his father and mother but it was immense profit for Anderoson as he could spend quality time with his parents. Androson became very intimate with his father in the extended period of 3 months, he used to interpret everything that happened with his colleagues, at school and every time he used to go with his father. His father and him used to go several new places in summer vacations. Those 3 months were really the most auspicious moment for him as he had collected indelible vibes from those moments. He used to express his dreams, aims and ambitions with his father. But every time the circumstances won't be the same. He was unpredictably astonished to accept the fact it was last meeting with his father. When he was at the age of 13 his father passed away. As his father was great person two days holiday as given in his village to show appreciation towards his magnificent and marvelous behavior towards people. All of his family member cried very much but he didn't. Even a droplet of tear didn't come off his eye. If crying was the best way to show love towards his father then he would have cried for the years. its fulfilled all the receptions which were supposed to be fulfilled during mourning period. All the relatives used to come to show sympathy and used to say that they will be helping Anderoson and his family in upcoming days. But still it was hard to accept this fact for him and always used to anticipate returning of his father. He didn't used to cry in front of his mother, family especially in front of his grandparents because he used to think it he himself cry in front of them then they won't be able to control their emotions. So, he used to go in a room, lock himself and used to show his nostalgic behavior and overwhelmness in front of the mirror. His all the family member migrated on town including his grandparents as they had their own house on town. It was time for him to move on. He stored to emphasize his study as he was only a responsible member in his family. But there used to be obstacle on every step he tried to take rather than demise of his father the behavior of his relatives used to hurt him the most. His family used to be neglected by the relative. Despite the encouraging words of relatives in mourning period they even didn't used to come at Anderosons house. Anderson used to get bothered by those thing. In the marriage ceremony of his relatives his family didn't used to get insulted. If some of his relative used to say, "how are you" to Anderoson then he used to get happy. He started to search happiness in small things. He used to get isolated by his friends at home and was compelled to listen the words which hurt him very much from the friends of school. He had no expectation from his life. while going to new place all of this relative used to gathered but he didn't used to get even invited. His relatives used to pretend as if they are caring Androson and his family infront of his grandparent. He used to get neglected by relatives, friends and he used to listen word which hurt him very much. He used to get neglected in every aspects of his life and had became an unsuitable guy. He has no expectation and anticipations from anyone as he had became an unsuitable guy . But i am still happy with the life that i have got........
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